Have you noticed the huge expansion in the yogurt aisle in recent months? I sure have. It seems that there are so many types, with specific health benefits associated with each.
Gone are the days, so it seems, that yogurt was considered a "health food," which simply provided a good source of calcium and protein.
Well, that's all still true, but I'd like to talk about the new yogurt products that fill the shelves. Check back later for the video from my Today Show segment (watch the video here), for a look at all the products.
Yogurt 101: What Is It?
Yogurt is a dairy product produced when "good" bacteria are put into milk under controlled conditions. These bacteria ingest the milk sugar (AKA lactose) for energy and then release lactic acid as a "waste" product. It's the lactic acid that acts on the milk protein to give yogurt its characteristic "tanginess" and texture.
This process is totally safe, since the whole biological action is acidic, meaning "bad" bacteria don't grow during the process. Most yogurt is from dairy (from cows), but soy yogurt is also available for those with lactose intolerance or milk-protein (casein) allergy. Yogurt can be a good option for people with lactose (milk sugar) intolerance. Since much of the milk sugar is gone in yogurt (that's the lactose), many people can often tolerate at least one serving a day.
Yogurt's been around for more than 4000 years, and yet there's no clear idea of where it was first "discovered." Eaten all over the world, yogurt was always "plain" until the 1930s, when a fruit jam was added to help prevent yogurt from spoiling too soon. As a patented process, it was introduced to the USA in the late 1940s by a company now well known in the world of yogurt, Dannon.
Yogurt (like all dairy products) is a good source of protein, and calcium. As for all dairy products, choosing non-fat, or at least low-fat yogurt, provides all the benefits (AKA the same protein and calcium), without the artery-clogging animal fat. (After all, it does come from a cow).
The yogurt selection in out grocery aisles are huge and filled with a few dozen options. How are we to choose?

I'd like to provide some different options and hear what you look for in yogurt. One of my first tips: Look for "live cultures" or "active cultures" on the container, which indicate a reasonable source of biologic activity.
For weight loss
Try: Fage plain fat free, Oikos plain fat free, Skye plain fat free
These yogurts are high protein, as the extra milk liquid (AKA Whey) has been filtered out, making it very thick. You're getting high protein for few calories—about 100 calories for 6 ounces and 22 grams of protein.
Protein is biologically VERY satisfying, and helps curb appetite on less food (compared to same calories found as carbohydrates). This is unrelated to the "Probiotics"—the good bacteria for further health uses—it's the protein here that is key.
For high cholesterol
Try: Promise ACTIV "shooters"
This product has two grams of "Phytosterols," which have nothing to do with the yogurt. It's only a carrier, so it must be consumed daily for an effect on cholesterol levels. (This is measured by a blood test). It acts to block cholesterol you are eating, with no effect on the other source of body cholesterol. This is what your body makes in the liver, so consume with meals (preferably, if you're eating higher cholesterol at that meal).
Remember: This does not replace medical care, so do not compare with a Statin drug! This can have a modest effect when used regularly. Again, it only blocks cholesterol absorption in the digestive track. It doesn't get in the body!
For irritable bowel and constipation
Try: Activia, Activia-Light (no sugar), Yo-Plus
The extra Probiotics (good bacteria) added to these yogurts enhance the action of the good bacteria already in the yogurt. It's another strain of the bacteria, so you have more benefit with more good bacteria per serving. This is still somewhat controversial, compared with what yogurt does "normally," but Activia comes with a money-back guarantee. It can affect transit time in the gut, which is good for regularity.
For immune function
Try: DanActive Immunity
Another source of Probiotics, healthy bacteria that have been shown to boost immune function, like increase white blood cell count—those are one of the cells that help fight infection. Plus, other studies show some effect on antibodies in the gut, but are not definitive. Certainly can't hurt—still, the great benefits of yogurt.
For dessert
Try: "Fun" Yogurts
To tame a sweet tooth, yogurt can help, but read the label to check for calories and fat. Cool packaging is eye-catching, but "fun" yogurts are definitely not all the same.
Look for lower fat, low sugar. Some of the Dannon "pie" yogurts are low fat and low sugar—a big help for many. Also, frozen yogurt, with or without sugar, is a preferred choice from ice cream. Great taste, with much lower fat content.
One more thing: I'm a fan of plain yogurt and adding fresh or frozen (no-sugar added) fruits. This saves on calories, and provides great flavor.
Special Thanks to iVillage and Helath Journal with Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
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