Oh Homer Simpson you'll never get old. We love your close mindedness, you drunkenness and your occasional homophobia, after all homosexuals who watch take it in stride. They know It's a joke. However when Bill O'Reilly blames J.K.Rowling for making homosexuals appear normal I had an inkling he wasn't joking. My fellow bloggers and blog readers I come to you humbled asking you to help me sink Bill O'Reilly and The Factor by starting a Web-wide boycott. After all Bill O'Reily still believes in creationism (even though science has proven it wrong), claims to be an independent even though all of his opinions are very right wing, and criticizes Ludacris for having lyrics that have murders and drugs and sex, etc. in them even though he wrote a book with several graphic murder scenes and some underage crack whore sex sprinkled in there too.
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